2022-03-15 Ethics in Product Creation with Roxana-Maria Barbu & Jennifer Fraser

Hosted by Anna and CapCHI

CapCHI March 2022 event image

Ethics in design and research are essential building blocks of product development. Join Roxana-Maria Barbu PhD, and Jennifer Frasierto discuss ethics in product creation. Ethical practices are fundamental to creating trust in products and their brand. Listen as they go through the ethical principles ensuring the well-being of those involved, including users, designers, researchers, engineers, and product owners.

Roxana-Maria Barbu


Humans are complex beings. Thus, solutions that meet and exceed people’s needs are complex too. They require passion and curiosity about the human mind, as well as openness and skill to examine a problem from all angles. Fascinated by the intricacies of human cognition and behaviour, a people’s person who happens to get numbers too, I enjoy assisting clients from early roadmap and ideation sessions to post-delivery.

Jennifer Fraser


With over twenty years of experience in User Experience Design, I have had the opportunity to work with a variety of clients, from large institutions, to medium-sized companies in highly-technical domains, to small start-ups. I have also had the opportunity to work closely with technology partners to understand their business and product requirements, and have created designs to meet their needs, as well as the needs of their customers.


Prime Sponsors

We are extremely grateful to these organizations for their generous support of CapCHI and the local UX community.




A full-service, consulting group based in Ottawa and specializing in user-centred solutions design and business process management for the public and private sector.

Jumping Elephants

https://www.jumpingelephants.ca Jumping Elephants Jumping Elephants is a full-service, consulting group based in Ottawa. They specialize in user-centred solutions design and business process management for the public and private sector. They offer tailored solutions to complex challenges in the areas of Business Process Reengineering, Information Architecture, Web Usability, Content Management and Government of Canada Web Standards implementation.  

Portage CyberTech


Portage CyberTech logo

Our business and technical professionals are committed to helping private and public sector organizations adopt, utilize, and manage technology to deliver trusted, high-value digital services.

Human-Centred Design Institute

http://human-centred.ca Human-Centred Design Institute A graduate certificate at Algonquin College that prepares students for a career in design research and strategy. In this one-year program, students gain a balance of research and design theory, methodology, and practice to develop strategic direction for systems, products, policies, and services.  


About CapCHI

CapCHI (www.capchi.org) is a social and professional society of people who work as user interface designers, researchers, educators, software developers, web designers, graphic designers and human factors engineers in and around Canada’s National Capital Region. Founded in 1991, CapCHI’s goal is to bring together local professionals interested in how humans and computers interact, in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.  

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