2023-10-17 Women in STEM – Panel Discussion: UX Current Challenges and Future Trends

Hosted by CapCHI, Hala H., and Ken K.CapCHI October 2023 event image

Tonight’s topic is a panel discussion with 3 Women in STEMlocal leaders in their domain in who will share their UX Current Experience (academia, consulting and inhouse), Challenges and Future Trends

DATE TIME: Tuesday October 17, 2023, 6:00-9:00 pm.

LOCATION: In-Person Event at Mulligans Golf Bar at 201 Queen St, Ottawa, Ottawa, ON K1P 5C9, 3rd Floor.

  • COVID-19 safety measures: Event will be indoors!

REGISTRATION: (Free!) https://www.meetup.com/capchi/events/296592420/

Alessandra Smircich is the Consulting Manager, Human Centered Design Co-Lead and Executive Consultant. Alessandra is a passionate human centered design consultant with 15+ years of experience in the private and public sectors placing humans at the center of everything she studies. Alessandra helps teams and organizations by combining user research, analysis, product design, creativity and strategy to deliver delightful human experiences and great business value. She leads a talented growing group of researchers and service designers within the Human Centered Design team at Systemscope. As an avid cyclist and speed skater, watch for Alessandra zooming down the canal in all seasons.

Catherine Cormier is the Vice President, Engineering at Assent, a global leader in supply chain sustainability management solutions. Since her Bachelor of Computer Engineering and Master of Science in Electronic Business Technology degrees, Catherine has amassed over 20 years of experience building innovative products, which has included leadership positions in Software Development, UX and Product Management. With experience at start-ups to established technology companies, she has a deep understanding of the diverse perspectives and strong partnerships required to make leading software products successful. Catherine brings her passion for technology and people to every stage of designing, developing and delivering Assent’s SaaS platform

Nadine Marie Moacdieh is an Assistant Professor in the School of Computer Science at Carleton University and a member of the multidisciplinary program in Human-Computer Interaction. Nadine received a B.E. in Computer and Communications Engineering from the American University of Beirut and Master’s and Ph.D. degrees in Industrial and Operations Engineering (concentration: human factors) from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Her research interests include display clutter, data overload, eye tracking metrics and methods, and adaptive interfaces. Her work straddles multiple application domains, including healthcare, driving, and aviation.


Our Sponsors

We are extremely grateful to these organizations for their generous support of CapCHI and the local UX community.

Carleton University Master of HCI


Carleton University logo

The Master of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) degree offers students an opportunity to explore their native discipline in more depth while also gaining insight into the language and constraints under which specialists in other disciplines in the HCI field work.





We’re an exceptional team of highly experienced behavioural researchers and design strategists. We apply a fundamental understanding of human behaviour, strategic design and human-computer interaction to deliver product and service design value.


Human-Centred Design Lab

http://human-centred.caHuman-Centred Design InstituteAn interdisciplinary postgraduate program and research lab focused on evidence-based design strategy. We work with businesses, governments and not-for-profit organizations to provide students an industry-focused learning experience.


Jumping Elephants

https://www.jumpingelephants.ca Jumping ElephantsJumping Elephants is a full-service, consulting group based in Ottawa and specializing in user-centred solutions design and business process management for the public and private sector.


About CapCHI

CapCHI (www.capchi.org) is a social and professional society of people who work as user interface designers, researchers, educators, software developers, web designers, graphic designers and human factors engineers in and around Canada’s National Capital Region. Founded in 1991, CapCHI’s goal is to bring together local professionals interested in how humans and computers interact, in a relaxed and informal atmosphere. 

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