2024-02-20 CapCHI Join the Conversation: Neuroinclusivity in Housing

Hosted by CapCHI and Anna T.

CapCHI February 2024 event image

Meet Taylor and Roxana for a meaningful conversation on Neuroinclusivity in Housing. The team’s focus involves curating tools and resources that foster neuroinclusivity in a website; documenting meaningful case studies; and fostering two-way knowledge exchange with stakeholders within the housing ecosystem. Join us on this journey that goes beyond research and design! Your presence will be a step towards stimulating a paradigm shift in housing for Autistic and Neurodivergent adults.

DATE TIME: Tuesday February 20, 2024, 6:00-8:00 pm.

LOCATION: In-Person Event at Mulligans Golf Bar at 201 Queen St, Ottawa, Ottawa, ON K1P 5C9, 2nd Floor.

  • COVID-19 safety measures: Event will be indoors!

REGISTRATION: (Free!) https://www.meetup.com/CapCHI/events/298886773

Our Speakers

Taylor Robertson Taylor (she/her) is the Research Assistant on the Neuroinclusivity in Housing project at Carleton University’s Accessibility Institute. In this role, she is passionate about supporting research that helps to identify best practices in accessible housing, with an emphasis on neurodiversity. As a Graduate Student at Brock University, Taylor’s research is grounded in community and participatory action methodologies. Her work seeks to meaningfully respond to the demand for person-centered research that prioritizes the lived experiences of Autistic individuals with exposure to Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA).

Roxana-Maria Barbu, PhD An avid advocate for bridging the physical and digital realms, Roxana always emphasizes the importance of grounding digital solutions in their broader physical context. The Neuroinclusivity in Housing project at Carleton University’s Accessibility Institute provided her with the perfect venue to apply her research skills in a space she’s passionate about while leveraging her expertise in cognitive science to solve complex problems. As a co-creator of a Behaviour Change Evaluation Framework, Roxana aims for this project to catalyze a paradigm shift in housing for Autistic and Neurodivergent adults.


Our Sponsors

We are extremely grateful to these organizations for their generous support of CapCHI and the local UX community. Carleton University Master of HCI https://carleton.ca/hci Carleton University logo The Master of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) degree offers students an opportunity to explore their native discipline in more depth while also gaining insight into the language and constraints under which specialists in other disciplines in the HCI field work.   DFFRNT https://dffrnt.ca DFFRNT We’re an exceptional team of highly experienced behavioural researchers and design strategists. We apply a fundamental understanding of human behaviour, strategic design and human-computer interaction to deliver product and service design value.   Human-Centred Design Lab http://human-centred.caHuman-Centred Design InstituteAn interdisciplinary postgraduate program and research lab focused on evidence-based design strategy. We work with businesses, governments and not-for-profit organizations to provide students an industry-focused learning experience.   Jumping Elephants https://www.jumpingelephants.ca Jumping ElephantsJumping Elephants is a full-service, consulting group based in Ottawa and specializing in user-centred solutions design and business process management for the public and private sector.  

About CapCHI

CapCHI (www.capchi.org) is a social and professional society of people who work as user interface designers, researchers, educators, software developers, web designers, graphic designers and human factors engineers in and around Canada’s National Capital Region. Founded in 1991, CapCHI’s goal is to bring together local professionals interested in how humans and computers interact, in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.

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