2022-04-19 Application of Human-Centred Design to Humanitarian Challenges

Hosted by CapCHI

CapCHI April 2022 event image

On 3 August 2014, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, attacked the Sinjar district of Iraq. This district has historically been the home ground of Yezidi. The attack marked the beginning of a genocidal campaign of brutal violence directed against the Yezidi, with the aim to eliminate them and their culture. Many Yezidis fled their homes to the safety of refugee camps from which they applied for refuge in many different countries. Alan Frank, applied his knowledge of Human-Centred Design in the execution of two different projects to support the Yezidis in their new homes.

  • Alan addressed, as a volunteer with Project Abraham ( Project Abraham – Home ), some of the financial and literacy challenges faced by the Yezidis relocated to Canada. The project explored the use of Bliss Board Technology to support daily activities such as food shopping.
  • As the Senior Analyst to the Yazidi Legal Network ( Yazidi Legal Network ), Alan worked with the Senior Legal Advisor to design a knowledge base and analysis procedures to support the multiple goals of the Yazidi Legal Network.

Join us for an exploration of non-traditional applications of Human-Centred Design. Both projects are “works in progress” and there will be plenty of time for questions and any ideas would be appreciated.

Please note: The War Crimes committed by ISIS against the Yezidis are extremely violent. While this talk will not focus on the specifics of these events, the knowledge base includes issues such as rape and kidnapping. We routinely mention this because the material can trigger Secondary Post Traumatic Syndrome in vulnerable individuals.

Dr. Alan Frank

Alan Frank is a senior professional (semi-retired) with 40 years of experience identifying and creating solutions in the fields of business and product strategy and service design. He brings a unique combination of cognitive science, computer science and business experience to his project’s challenges. His experience spans the private as well as government sectors, consumer and industrial products and systems, as well as Internet/Intranet-based solutions.

Mr. Frank has worked with executives, business planners, IT Professionals to create a common understanding of the value of the business services to the total cost of delivering services to customers or clients. He has organized and facilitated multi-department working groups to create service strategies, including business processes for a number of public and private sector organizations. He has extensive experience with the analysis, design, and development of processes to improve the quality, performance, and predictability of business services. He has developed and executed testing protocols to ensure that business systems and their users are meeting the target levels of performance.


Prime Sponsors

We are extremely grateful to these organizations for their generous support of CapCHI and the local UX community.




We’re an exceptional team of highly experienced behavioural researchers and design strategists. We apply a fundamental understanding of human behaviour, strategic design and human-computer interaction to deliver product and service design value.

Jumping Elephants

https://www.jumpingelephants.ca Jumping Elephants Jumping Elephants is a full-service, consulting group based in Ottawa and specializing in user-centred solutions design and business process management for the public and private sector.  

Portage CyberTech


Portage CyberTech logo

Our business and technical professionals are committed to helping private and public sector organizations adopt, utilize, and manage technology to deliver trusted, high-value digital services.

Human-Centred Design Institute

http://human-centred.ca Human-Centred Design InstituteAn interdisciplinary postgraduate program and research lab focused on evidence-based design strategy. We work with businesses, governments and not-for-profit organizations to provide students an industry-focused learning experience.  


About CapCHI

CapCHI (www.capchi.org) is a social and professional society of people who work as user interface designers, researchers, educators, software developers, web designers, graphic designers and human factors engineers in and around Canada’s National Capital Region. Founded in 1991, CapCHI’s goal is to bring together local professionals interested in how humans and computers interact, in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.  

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