2020-12-15 Service Design for Victims of Violence

CapCHI December 2020 event image

You are invited to a special evening with Dr. Benjamin Roebuck, Research Chair of the Victimology Research Centre at Algonquin College. Ben has been invited to discuss findings from his collaborative study with the University of Ottawa that examines services that support victims of violence. As per his report:

“Understanding how people interact with service providers, the justice system, and other supports is central to exploring their process of navigating and negotiating the adversity that violence has introduced to their lives. Learning from what is helpful and unhelpful along the way becomes important to designing responses to violence that can better support resilience.”

Read the executive summary: https://bit.ly/CapCHI-2020-Roebuck

As featured on CBC’s All in a Day: https://www.cbc.ca/listen/live-radio/1-92

As featured on CTV News: http://ctv.news/29XAdFF

Dr. Benjamin Roebuck is Research Chair of the Victimology Research Centre and Professor of the Victimology postgraduate program at Algonquin College. https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjamin-roebuck-5008a719/

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