2023-11-21 From Discovery to Delivery: A Journey of Bringing a Product to Market

Hosted by CapCHI, and Melis B.CapCHI November 2023 event image

Join us and embark upon a journey that takes us from the conception of an idea, through the rigor of research and design, to the birth of a product that changes the way people make decisions. Seasoned designer and founder of Design Centered Co.Urooj Qureshi, draws you into the story of how his firm’s latest innovation, Impactor App, was created by putting humans at the center of every decision and how it leads to the transformation of service to product.

DATE TIME: Tuesday November 21, 2023, 6:00-8:00 pm.

LOCATION: In-Person Event at Mulligans Golf Bar at 201 Queen St, Ottawa, Ottawa, ON K1P 5C9, 2nd Floor (this month only!).

  • COVID-19 safety measures: Event will be indoors!

REGISTRATION: (Free!) https://www.meetup.com/capchi/events/297228465/

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2022-09-20 Rethinking Social Data with Dr. Kenton White

Hosted by CapCHI

10 years ago Social Media broke into the mainstream. Facebook, Twitter and Reddit promised an unfiltered view into our collective consciousness. Today influencers and bots actively game the system, skewing perception towards their agendas. There are still insights that can be mined from Social Data, but with ever increasing effort. At Advanced Symbolics we developed a tool called askpolly that rethinks Social Data from the ground up, making finding those insights effortless. I’ll discuss every aspect of Social Data we considered in askpolly’s development and how at every step we defined the user experience and tackled tough technological challenges.

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2022-05-17 Beyond The Borders: Healthcare Technologies for Sensitive Communities

Hosted by CapCHI

CapCHI May 2022 event image

Providing equitable access to healthcare services imposes a diverse set of challenges, especially when the target population faces limited geographical accessibility, literacy, and socio-economical barriers. A plausible way forward to improve healthcare in the Global South countries is by promoting the development and use of digital technologies. New approaches such as Human-Computer Interaction for Development (HCI4D), have highlighted the need for a deepest human-centred design approach toward localized digital solutions that properly work in a resource-constrained context.

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2022-04-19 Application of Human-Centred Design to Humanitarian Challenges

Hosted by CapCHI

CapCHI April 2022 event image

On 3 August 2014, Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, attacked the Sinjar district of Iraq. This district has historically been the home ground of Yezidi. The attack marked the beginning of a genocidal campaign of brutal violence directed against the Yezidi, with the aim to eliminate them and their culture. Many Yezidis fled their homes to the safety of refugee camps from which they applied for refuge in many different countries. Alan Frank, applied his knowledge of Human-Centred Design in the execution of two different projects to support the Yezidis in their new homes.

  • Alan addressed, as a volunteer with Project Abraham ( Project Abraham – Home ), some of the financial and literacy challenges faced by the Yezidis relocated to Canada. The project explored the use of Bliss Board Technology to support daily activities such as food shopping.
  • As the Senior Analyst to the Yazidi Legal Network ( Yazidi Legal Network ), Alan worked with the Senior Legal Advisor to design a knowledge base and analysis procedures to support the multiple goals of the Yazidi Legal Network.

Join us for an exploration of non-traditional applications of Human-Centred Design. Both projects are “works in progress” and there will be plenty of time for questions and any ideas would be appreciated.

Please note: The War Crimes committed by ISIS against the Yezidis are extremely violent. While this talk will not focus on the specifics of these events, the knowledge base includes issues such as rape and kidnapping. We routinely mention this because the material can trigger Secondary Post Traumatic Syndrome in vulnerable individuals.

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2022-03-15 Ethics in Product Creation with Roxana-Maria Barbu & Jennifer Fraser

Hosted by Anna and CapCHI

CapCHI March 2022 event image

Ethics in design and research are essential building blocks of product development. Join Roxana-Maria Barbu PhD, and Jennifer Frasierto discuss ethics in product creation. Ethical practices are fundamental to creating trust in products and their brand. Listen as they go through the ethical principles ensuring the well-being of those involved, including users, designers, researchers, engineers, and product owners.

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UX Product Designer at Assent Compliance

Product & EngineeringOttawa, Toronto, …

At Assent, your work helps bring transparency, sustainability, and fairness to the global community.  Our software enables responsible stewardship to improve corporate decision making. We do this by providing a window into an organization’s global supply chain and the factories in which their products are manufactured, to reduce compliance risks, environmental waste, and prevent human rights abuse.

We’re one of the fastest-growing technology companies – from $5 million to $50 million ARR in under five years!  As the global leader in supply chain data management, we provide transparency into the supply chains of some of the world’s largest and most successful companies, including 75 percent of Fortune 500 companies.

Follow us here.

Your Role as the UX Product Designer!

As a critical member of Assent’s Product Design Team, the UX/Product Designer will be part of our collective quest to re-envision how we help our customers and end-users curate and manage their supply chain data. The goal: to create a product that people will love, trust, and ultimately promote!

We are a team that champions a design thinking approach. In this role, you will be part of a crew made up of UX practitioners, designers, strategic thinkers, and researchers, who all work closely with our engineering and product management partners to understand the challenges our customers face. You’ll have the opportunity to help define and deliver product solutions that elevate Assent’s position as a world-leading, era-defining enterprise product experience.


UI Designer at Assent Compliance

Product & EngineeringOttawa, Toronto, …

At Assent, your work helps bring transparency, sustainability, and fairness to the global community.  Our software enables responsible stewardship to improve corporate decision making. We do this by providing a window into an organization’s global supply chain and the factories in which their products are manufactured, to reduce compliance risks, environmental waste, and prevent human rights abuse.

We’re one of the fastest-growing technology companies – from $5 million to $50 million ARR in under five years!  As the global leader in supply chain data management, we provide transparency into the supply chains of some of the world’s largest and most successful companies, including 75 percent of Fortune 500 companies.

Follow us here.

Your Role as the UI Designer!

As a critical member of Assent’s Product Design Team, the UI/UX Designer will be part of our collective quest to re-envision how we help our customers curate and manage their supply chain data. The goal: to create a product that people will love, trust, and ultimately promote!

We are a team that champions a design thinking approach. In this role, you will be part of a crew made up of UX practitioners, designers, strategic thinkers, and researchers, who are all working to build a consistent, and unified user experience. You will lead our efforts to establish a world-class design system deeply rooted in design principles, customer empathy, and evidence-based insights, which will be the cornerstone of our design and development practices. You will help conjure ideas for visual elements that will work best. You will also assist in translating high-level requirements, or ideas ready for validation into interactive prototypes.